Many people have wondered why I decided to make a blog in the first place.
One answer was so that our story could be heard for once since the family court system didn’t seem to want to hear both sides of the story and just the mother’s side.
However there was another reason to this blog as well.
Yes, it was to make sure what we went through was heard, and that others knew they weren’t alone with dealing with similar situations, but also it helped us out with having a platform to send people to. This all started with our church community. Not saying that we couldn’t share our story to them. Unfortunately though, after a while, it got tiring with all the questions of how things were going weekly. It got emotional. It caused triggers and PTSD.
Though the courts didn’t care what we went through, it was still traumatizing to us. But with so many people being apart of this case as witness, that being just people through our church, I thought it would be better to create a platform they could all go to to keep up with everything going on. Many knew that asking us how things were going would make us feel a certain way, but at the same time, we knew it was nice of them to show that they did care about what we were going through and still do. We are all alienated now, but we have a community of people praying for us. A community of people who care more than any court person did.
We might not have all the answers as to why this all had to happen to us and my stepson, but we have people by our side and here for us. This platform is for them to read from when it might be too hard for us to share it in person to them. But this is also a platform as I just shared here and share in my disclaimer for a place for others to know they aren’t alone either when it comes to this.
Sometimes it's easier to just write about it.