I can say that I am not afraid if my husband’s ex-wife ever finds out about this blog. I question it sometimes and those that read it from our church as to how I would feel.
To start, everything I’m sharing with you is the truth since we have plenty of evidence. But also, because I do not mention her name anywhere…nor do I list off anyone else’s name for that matter. What I went through was REAL. What I went through with having to record every conversation, even if nothing was said, was REAL. So, I have nothing to hide and have plenty of evidence to defend myself in this situation.
If my husband’s ex-wife tries to claim this blog is about her then she will be admitting to everything that she had done. Just like my stepson’s G.A.L. Everything I have shared with you; the G.A.L. has had as well and still did nothing. Her reasoning was that we were all never a part of the case.
I’m wondering how I could never have been a part of this case though. Many people have said this to me throughout the last two years and did not care what we were all put through because we weren’t the Plaintiff or Defendant. But aren’t we witnesses? Aren’t witnesses supposed to testify so everything can put the whole story together to get the truth of what happened? I was a witness and even was put on the stand to testify (something I did not want to do but knew I had to). I lived through this case daily...24/7.
Witnesses are just as important in a family court case as the Plaintiff and Defendant. Witness provides firsthand knowledge or evidence that is relevant to the case. What they end up testifying can support or contradict claims made by the parties involved. I will stop here though and state that we had all the evidence to contradict the fabricated events made against us, but the G.A.L. still thought it was best to hand my stepson over to his mom who always claimed, “I can’t force him”. “I can’t force him” is one of the reasons reunification therapy has not happened yet. But also, witnesses should be impartial and truthful, and they can provide specialized knowledge and insights to help the court understand complex issues. Unlike my husband’s ex-wife, I was truthful and every time we went to court, I brought the evidence binder we had, so I could turn to pages needed to show the court that their claims were in fact lies and fabricated.
I gathered, organized, and presented the evidence of what my husband’s side of the family went through. Whether anyone just wants to turn the other cheek and not see it, that is on them in the end. But it’s a shame that many people do this. It also doesn’t help that where I am located, they tend to side with the mothers regardless.
So, here’s to the people who have said I have never been a part of this case and that what I have to say doesn’t matter. Since my voice and others were never heard, I now have a story to share and spread the news of what it’s like to deal with Parental Alienation when no one wants to hear our story.
Throughout this journey, I cannot believe how many other people I have met that are going through very similar situations and nothing is being done for them either.