On Friday, September 13, 2024, I received a text from my husband. He took a picture of the pink slip that was left behind from the Post Office.
I was confused at first to what I would have in the mail that I would have to sign for, but the closer I looked at the pink slip, I noticed it said, “Grievance Committee”.
I kid you not…I panicked. I said to myself, “here we go again…. another person that doesn’t want to hear what we have to say and share….”
As I shared in the previous blog, if you heard as early as 14 days, it means they dismissed the complaint.
September 13 was only 9 business day. 9 DAYS! Not even 14 business days.
Unfortunately, since we missed the mail, I had to wait until today I pick up the letter to see what they said.
Well, I couldn’t believe what I ended up reading….
The grievance complaint in which I filed against my stepson’s G.A.L. had been received and referred to the Grievance Panel in her jurisdiction.
I was shocked that they read the complaint that fast knowing they had hearings during 3 out of the 10 business days. But also, I was shocked for the fact that it was prior to the 14 days, and they saw concern with the matter I brought forth.
At the very bottom of the letter, it read, “cc’d G.A.L’s name”.
My stepson’s G.A.L. is now aware that she is under investigation and now will have to try to dismiss the allegations I brought forth to the board.
I don’t know how she will be able to dismiss everything because I gave the Committee everything that everyone has refused to look at to this point.
When no one wants to listen to us, including the current therapist my stepson has, you take everything you have to the higher ups.
Well, now the higher ups have everything, and they aren’t refusing to turn their cheeks and pretend that everything going on did not happen.
Regardless of what ends up happening, I am happy that I ended up sending out this complaint, so the Committee is aware of what attorneys are NOT doing.
As I shared with my husband’s family, I did not do this complaint just for my stepson, but for all the child that this G.A.L. has worked with or currently working with that aren’t getting the proper help either.
Parental Alienation is a real thing and people need to start speaking up more about it. And that is why today, I am not stopping when it comes to sharing our story and letting people hear what we have been through, but also what the children are put through, and how the court systems don’t seem to want to take certain things into consideration.
My stepson is not the only one that has been put through Parental Alienation.
I’m not sure how long they give my stepson’s G.A.L. to try to dismiss this case, but if she cannot, she will need to go in front of the Committee for a hearing. I will say, if that ends up being the case, I will be there as well.