The therapist finally reached out to us. It had nothing to do with the email we sent over to her about Ben’s disturbing text. Truthfully, we are still surprised she still didn’t reach out about that. This email had to do with a few other different things:
The first was asking how we would like to proceed with payments and that she is able to send a link (Ivy) which would allow us to put a card on file.
The second was to let us know that even though there is a court order that says she is allowed to speak to past providers, she still wants to forward releases to sign so she can talk to these providers because of HIPPA.
The third was about an EMDR Treatment that she wants to facilitate along with traditional psychotherapy services as well and would be sending consent over for this particular model that would be used.
This was a very simple email. The first two informative things the therapist brought up was important, but we were all curious as to what this new therapy treatment would be about. I decided to take a closer look into it to see if it would even be worth it. It was interesting to read up on this type of therapy. Truthfully, I’ve never heard of it before the therapist brough it up. Then again, I feel like there is always some type of new therapy that is created.
This type of therapy is an 8-phase treatment and uses eye movements. The therapist will determine which memory to target first and will ask the client to hold different aspects of that event or thought in their mind. I’m curious to what will come out of this since he was brainwashed with all the fabricated events. Even when he was with BEAN Behavioral and they tried to ask further questions about different incidents, he could never answer and/or asked to see his mom.
With the 8-phases, there will be:
The history taking session(s) so they can identify the possible targets for EMDR processing. These include distressing memories and current situations that cause emotional distress. Other targets may include related incidents in the past. Again, this will be interesting since every incident from our side of the family was fabricated and we had the evidence each and every time to show it.
Handing the emotional distress in several different ways.
Phases 3 – 6 the client is to identify 3 things: The vivid visual image related to the memory, A negative belief about self, Related emotions, and body sensations.
Phase 7 – 8 – the client is to log any related material that may arise and examining how things are going so far.
The EMDR treatment processes all related historical events, current incidents that elicit distress, and future events that will require different responses. The one thing I question is will this therapist actually reach out to the other providers who have been a part of this case to gather ALL the information, or even ask for the summary? Or will she just go about doing this procedure and think she can help out my stepson’s mental state even without having everything that has gone on?
After looking into this further, my husband sent an email back. A very simple email to where there shouldn’t have been any issues.
He asked the therapist to send over the IVY link so he can put his HSA debit card on file. He also shared that he would keep an eye out of the HIPPA releases. The last thing he mentioned was that he looked into this EMDR treatment and that with combining this new treatment with Natchaug and BEAN Behavioral, it should help fill in the blanks as to why Ben now has virtually no contact with half of his family. He then mentioned that if she would like the summary that articulate all of the events that were perpetrated towards Ben and our side of the family to cause P.A. Syndrome that continues to wreak havoc on my stepson’s mental state, he would be more than happy to send it over as he has shared with all the other providers.
Unfortunately, when my husband replied back to the therapist, his ex-wife had a childish outburst.