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Text to Pop Pop


My husband’s father, or to Ben, his Pop Pop, received a text from my stepson after attending his Promotion on 6/13/24. To start, my father-in-law did not speak to him while there.


The content of the text message is quite disturbing. At the moment, I do not feel comfortable sharing the whole thing and will just share bits and pieces of it. Depending on everything, the full message may be put in the book I’m writing along with all the evidence the courts have refused to look at. Below are some of the things that my stepson said to his Pop Pop.


“…if you, Victoria, Michael, and Irene all believe in an imaginary God so much then go send yourself to him, but you won't go to imaginary heaven, you'll go to imaginary hell, that's right, you heard me loud and clear, go fucking kill yourself…”


“So don't approach me or I will contact me guardian at law about this, don't attempt to talk to me until you cut your dick off and give it to me in a box for what you and Michael and Irene did, and if you say this shit and I get the chance I will seriously fuck you up or go to court once again to get your delusional ass away from me…”


“Kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself, and once you see the nothingness maybe then you'll realize what an arrogant and self centered, prideful douschebags you all are.”


Wow…just typing only little bits of the text message pains me inside and it’s another reason why I didn’t want to write the whole text out at the moment…this is probably only half of it…


I can say that we are not the delusional ones here. Shared delusion is actually a behavior when it comes to Parental Alienation and a shared delusion is what my stepson and his mom has amongst other things like an overall enmeshed relationship.


A few things to take note from this text. Would you say he is still safe and thriving in his mother’s care? My answer would be…NO! There has been no improvement within this past year. It is to the point that while still in his mother’s care, reunification therapy will never happen due to my stepson having this hatred for half his family that never did anything wrong to him and a part of his family he once had a positive relationship with and even loved/enjoyed being with.


As you can see in this text, his grandma is known as Irene now and his father is known as Michael. They are no longer his grandma, grandpa, or even dad… 


This should be concerning to others if they read this and even know what has been happening the past two years. But many still do not.


Did you also notice that my stepson mentioned about taking us all to court once again? Just simply stating that shows that the evidence we had all along was accurate even if we didn’t have the recording of him confessing to all the colluding.  My stepson’s mother has done a great job up to this point alienating us and it doesn’t help that the courts don’t see an issue either.


Well, I’ll say to the people in Family Law….Congratulations. You have torn a family apart due to not stopping this when it should have been stopped on March 1, 2023. But instead, you (the courts) have decided that he can just be with his mom. But how does that really benefit him in the end? To have half his family practically be erased from his mind. Is that really helping a kid out? Are the courts really okay with that especially when the G.A.L. had all the evidence?


My husband ended up sharing this text message with the therapist but did not cc his ex-wife on the email chain. With all the colluding and Parental Alienation that has taken place, he did not know if she was involved. Parental Alienation is a form an emotional/mental child abuse and you don’t add the parent that is involved. Instead of the therapist reaching back out to him, she called his ex-wife and forward the email to her which shared that we were thinking of calling the police. So, we ended up not calling the police and instead of being concerned about her son’s mental well-being, his ex-wife only stated that due to the court order, my husband was to add her and then attached the PDF for the therapist.


Are you kidding me? This was a serious concern where the police might have been involved, so why would we tell her that we might call the police on them? What is even more upsetting is the fact that the therapist shared it with her!


Everyone on my side of the family is upset that after the therapist talked to my stepson this past Saturday and she sees that there is no threat. I’m sorry but if someone is messaging the way they are then there is a bigger issue here and he really should be sent back to the Intensive Outpatient Program. If you threaten to hurt yourself, or others, or tell others to harm themselves they are all RED Flag warnings. For some reason though, this therapist doesn’t see it. So, either she doesn’t know the whole picture like many people involved in this case, or my stepson and his mom’s narrative has been crafted so well, anyone will believe them.  


It also doesn’t seem like this therapist sees anything wrong with the message either to his Pop Pop. And according to the coparenting app, it’s sad to see that the therapist advised my stepson to not contact Harold for the time being. That is at least what my husband’s ex-wife sent. If that’s the case, then this therapist is helping with the parental alienation and eliminating names. Harold is not Harold to his grandson. Harold is Pop Pop (grandpa).


A few questions I will end on for people to think about and maybe one day someone reading this is in Family Law and will realize too just how bad this is.


Do you believe that continuing to be in only his mother’s care is truly the best and safest? Because it's been over a year, and it has gotten to the point that my husband’s family isn’t even considered his grandpa, grandma, or dad anymore.


Are you all really fine with the fact family members are being erased from a child’s mind?


Are you and the courts truly okay that you are helping a parent alienate one side of a child’s family for no reason other than their own hatred of them and even hurting a child emotionally/mentally? Because that is what everyone has allowed to happen and it's time for something to change, or things will continue to get worse. 


My one concern here is after the therapist spoke with my stepson, she again said there was no threat and that he could travel.


I hope his family in Buford/Atlanta, GA is ready for him. Especially after not seeing him for 2 years due to the colluding their own daughter/half-sister has caused.

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