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Complaint to Committee


Updated: Oct 26, 2024

On Saturday, August 31, 2024, a complaint was issued against my son’s G.A.L. I finally completed it. But I will be honest, it wasn’t easy in any way.


I started off the letter by stating that she was in violation of the American Bar Association Model Rules of Professional Conduct. Specifically in violation of Rule 3.4: “Fairness to Opposing Party and Counsel”, Rule 4.1: “Truthfulness in Statements to Others”, and Rule 8.4: “Misconduct”.


There were many things I mentioned in this letter. A few were:

  1. She was assigned back in March of 2023 and claimed she did her full investigation but did not and only document 58.6 hours.

  2. She was aware that each time my stepson’s mom lost in court, my stepson, his mom, and her lawyer would escalate the fabrications even more.

  3. She was aware that we had to record our lives 24/7 due to the fabrications and many people contributed to paying the legal fees who also become involved in the Parental Alienation.

  4. She was aware of my stepson confessed to the colluding and then wanted to crash the car.

  5. She did not share everything they were about to read on the following pages to Family Court.


In the cover letter, I also spoke about Parental Alienation and how it is emotional and mental abuse. It is when the hated parent is all bad and the loved parent is all good. It is when everything is wrong with the hated parent, but the good parent is always perfect. It is when the child actively avoids, resists, or refuses a relationship with that parent. It is also when the child has a prior positive relationship, but now wants nothing to do with that parent. It is when there is absence of abuse or neglect of the now rejected parent.  I even reference how there are over 80+ cases in CT that I have come across through research and how I have spoken to other families that have gone through what we have.


I mentioned to the Committee that there are at least 11 common alienating behaviors, and some can be seen throughout the summary that I provided to my stepson’s G.A.L. Including, but not limited to confiding in the child about legal issues, limiting the child’s contact with the other parent, interfering with communication between the child and the other parent, and undermining the target parent’s authority.


The Committee is aware that out of 8,760 hours, we were only worth 0.0067% of her time. Not even 1%. They are aware that this was not a fair case in any way when it came to the truth out. They are aware that we have lost a child because my stepson’s G.A.L. couldn’t follow the Rules of Professional Conduct.


I felt bad in a way for them having to read as much as they did, but when someone doesn’t do their job, there is a lot you have to share. I had to make 7 copies of the complaint. To save on paper, I decided to print everything double sided, but with it having to be 7 copies, the Committee was still going to receive over 250 pages total. Again…that is double sided! It would have been way more if I did just single sided!


With many people not listening to us up until this point, I didn’t have high hopes, but still felt like I needed to send it out. If I didn’t send it out, I would always question “what if?”.


The Committee would receive the complaint on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, and I asked for a signature requirement due to how much work was put into this.


Now I wait and see what happens. They said if I find out as early as 14 days, it means that the committee sees nothing wrong and dismisses it.


I hope that is not the case for us. Too much has been at stack and few people have really cared up to this point.

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